RAPP Platform Wiki  v0.6.0
RAPP Platform is a collection of ROS nodes and back-end processes that aim to deliver ready-to-use generic services to robots
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RAPP Platform Web Services


RAPP Platform Web Services are developed under the HOP Web Server. These services are used in order to communicate with the RAPP Platform ecosystem and access RIC(RAPP Improvement Center) AI modules.

Platform Services Description
Computer Vision
Face-Detection Detect faces on an image frame
Qr-Detection Detect and recognize Qr-Codes on an image frame
Hazard-Detection-Door-Check Detect open-doors (hazard) on an image frame
Hazard-Detection-Light-Check Detect lights-on (hazard) on an image frame
Human-Detection Detect human existance on on an image frame
Object-Recognition-Caffe Recognize objects on an image frame using caffe framework
Speech Recognition
Set-Noise-Profile Set user's noise profile. Used to apply denoising on speech-recognition
Speech-Detection-Sphinx4 Performs speech-detection using the Platform integrated Sphinx4 engine
Speech-Detection-Google Performs speech-detection using the Platform integrated Google engine
Ontology Queries
Ontology-SubclassesOf Perform Ontology, subclasses-of, query
Ontology-SuperClassesOf Perform Ontology, superclasses-of, query
Ontology-Is-SubSuperClass Perform Ontology, is-subsuperclass-of, query
Cognitive Exercises
Cognitive-Test-Selector Returns a Cognitive Exercise literal that describes the test
Cognitive-Record-Performance Record user's performance on a Cognitive Exercise
Cognitive-Get-History Returns user's history on Cognitive Exercise(s)
Cognitive-Get-Scores Returns user's performance scores on Cognitive Exercise(s)
Email Support
Email-Fetch Fetch user's emails
Email-Send Send an email, using user's account
Weather Report
Weather-Report-Forecast Get detailed information about future weather conditions
Weather-Repost-Current Get detailed information about current weather conditions
Path Planning
Path-Planning-Upload-Map Upload a map to store on the Platform
Path-Planning-Plan-Path-2D 2D Path Planning service
Login-User Login existing user
Register-User-From-Platform Add new platform user using RAPP-Platform credentials
Register-User-From-Store Add new platform user using RAPP-Store credentials
Text-To-Speech Text-to-speech translation on given input plain text
Available-Services Returns a list of the Platform available services (up-to-date)
Geolocaiton Get information about client's location
News-Explore Search for news articles

Service specifications - Request arguments and response objects

The Web Services listen to POST requests and can parse contents of the following type (Content-Type):

  • application/x-www-form-urlencoded
  • multipart/form-data

A lot of services require from the client to upload a file to the server for processing, like Computer-VIsion, Speech-Recognition and more. The multipart/form-data content-type is used to call a service that requresres file upload to the server. Otherwise, use application/x-www-form-urlencoded.

All data, except files, have to be be send under a field named json. In case of using application/x-www-form-urlencoded type this will look like:

```http POST /hop/ontology_subclasses_of HTTP/1.1 Connection: keep-alive ... Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

json=%7B%22query%22%3A+%22Oven%22%7D ```

and in case of multipart/form-data:

```http POST /hop/face_detection HTTP/1.1 Connection: keep-alive ... Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=993ac36c568042aa86582023b7422092

–993ac36c568042aa86582023b7422092 Content-Disposition: form-data; name="json"

{"fast": false} –993ac36c568042aa86582023b7422092 Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file"; filename="Lenna.jpg"

<file-data-here> ...


### Computer Vision



``` /hop/face_detection ```

Service request arguments

```js { file: '', fast: false } ```

  • file: Path to the uploaded file (image file), stored by hop-server. This is the form-data name to attach the file to.
  • fast (Boolean): If true, detection will take less time but it will be less accurate.
Service response

application/json response.

```js { faces: [{<face_1>}, ..., {<face_n>}], error: '' } ```

  • faces (Array): Vector with the recognized faces in an image frame.
  • error (String): Error message, if one occures.

where face_x is an object of the following structure:

```js face: { up_left_point: {<point>}, down_right_point: {<point>} } ```

  • up_left_point (Object): The up-left point coordinates of the detected face.
  • down_right_point (Object): The down-right point coordinates of the detected face.

and point coordinates are presented in Cartesian Coordinate System as:

```js point: { x: <value_int>, y: <value_int> } ```

Response Sample:

```javascript { faces: [{ up_left_point: { y: 200, x: 212 }, down_right_point: { y: 379, x: 391 } }], error: '' } ```



``` /hop/qr_detection ```

Service request arguments

```js { file: '' } ```

  • file: Path to the uploaded file (image file), stored by hop-server. This is the form-data name to attach the file to.
Service response

application/json response.

```javascript { qr_centers: [{<point_1>}, ..., {<point_n>}], qr_messages: ["<qr_msg_1>", ..., "<qr_msg_n>"], error: '' } ```

where point_n coordinates are presented in Cartesian Coordinate System as:

```js point: { x: <value_int>, y: <value_int> } ```

  • qr_centers (Array): Vector of points (x,y) of found QR in the image frame.
  • qr_messages (Array): Vector that containes message descriptions of found QR in an image frame (Array of Strings).
  • error (String): Error message, if one occures.

Response Sample:

```javascript { qr_centers: [ { y: 165, x: 165 } ], qr_messages: ['rapp project qr sample'], error: '' } ```



``` /hop/hazard_detection_door_check ```

Service request arguments

```js { file: '' } ```

  • file: Path to the uploaded file (image file), stored by hop-server. This is the form-data name to attach the file to.
Service response

application/json response.

```js { door_angle: 0, error: "" } ```

  • door_angle (Integer): The angle of the detected door, on the image frame. (Integer)
  • error (String): Error message, if one occures.



``` /hop/hazard_detection_light_check ```

Service request arguments

```js { file: '' } ```

  • file: Path to the uploaded file (image file), stored by hop-server. This is the form-data name to attach the file to.
Service response

application/json response.

```js { light_level: 0, error: "" } ```

  • light_level (Integer): The, detected on the iimage frame, light level. (Integer)
  • error (String): Error message, if one occures. (String)



``` /hop/human_detection ```

Service request arguments

```js { file: '' } ```

  • file: Path to the uploaded file (image file), stored by hop-server. This is the form-data name to attach the file to.
Service response

application/json response.

```js { humans: [{<human_1>}, ..., {<human_n>}], error: "" } ```

  • humans (Array): Array of detected humans.
  • error (String): Error message, if one occures. (String)

where human_x is an object of the following structure:

```js human: { up_left_point: {x: 0, y: 0}, down_right_point: {x: 0, y: 0} } ```

Each point (x, y) is presented in Cartesian Coordinate System as:

```js point2D: { x: <val, y: <val> } ```



``` /hop/object_recognition_caffe ```

Service request arguments

```js { file: '' } ```

  • file: Path to the uploaded file (image file), stored by hop-server. This is the form-data name to attach the file to.
Service response

application/json response.

```js { object_class: '', error: '' } ```

  • object_class (String): Recognized object class.
  • error (String): Error message, if one occures. (String)

### Speech Recognition



``` /hop/set_noise_profile ```

Service request arguments

```js { file: '', audio_source: '' } ```

  • file: Path to the uploaded file (audio file), stored by hop-server. This is the form-data name to attach the file to.
  • audio_source (String): A value that presents the <robot>_<encode>_<channels> information for the audio source data. e.g "nao_wav_1_ch".
Service response

application/json response.

```javascript { error: '' } ```

  • error (String): Error message, if one occures.



``` /hop/speech_detection_sphinx4 ```

Service request arguments

```js { file: '', language: '', audio_source: '', words: [], sentences: [], grammar: []} ```

  • file: Path to the uploaded file (audio file), stored by hop-server. This is the form-data name to attach the file to.
  • language (String): Language to be used by the speech_detection_sphinx4 module. Currently valid language values are ‘gr’ for Greek and ‘en’ for English.
  • audio_source (String): A value that presents the <robot>_<encode>_<channels> information for the audio source data. e.g "nao_wav_1_ch".
  • words (Array): A vector that carries the words to search for into the voice-audio-source.
  • sentences (Array): The under consideration sentences.
  • grammar (Array): Grammars to use in speech recognition.
Service response

application/json response.

```javascript { words: [], error: '' } ```

  • words (Array): A vector with the "words-found"
  • error (String): Error message, if one occures.



``` /hop/speech_detection_google ```

Service request arguments

```js { file: '', audio_source: '', language: ''} ```

  • file: Path to the uploaded file (audio file), stored by hop-server. This is the form-data name to attach the file to.
  • language (String): Language to be used by the speech_detection_sphinx4 module. Currently valid language values are ‘gr’ for Greek and ‘en’ for English.
  • audio_source (String): A value that presents the {robot}_{encode}_{channels} information for the audio source data. e.g "nao_wav_1_ch".
Service response

application/json response.

```javascript { words: [], alternatives: [] error: '' } ```

  • **'words'** (Array): A vector that contains the "words-found" with highest confidence.
  • alternatives (Array): Alternative sentences. e.g. [['send', 'mail'], ['send', 'email'], ['set', 'mail']...]
  • error (String): Error message, if one occures.

    ### Ontology Queries

The following Platform services give access to the Platform integrated Ontology system.



``` /hop/ontology_subclasses_of ```

Service request arguments

```js { ontology_class: '', recursive: false } ```

  • ontology_class (String): The ontology class.
  • recursive (Boolean): Recursive search.
Service response

application/json response.

```javascript { results: [], error: '' } ```

  • results (Array): Query results.
  • error (String): Error message, if one occures.

```javascript { results: [ 'http://knowrob.org/kb/knowrob.owl#Oven', 'http://knowrob.org/kb/knowrob.owl#MicrowaveOven', 'http://knowrob.org/kb/knowrob.owl#RegularOven', 'http://knowrob.org/kb/knowrob.owl#ToasterOven'], error: '' } ```



``` /hop/ontology_superclasses_of ```

Service request arguments

```js { ontology_class: '', recursive: false } ```

  • ontology_class (String): The ontology class.
  • recursive (Boolean): Recursive search.
Service response

application/json response.

```javascript { results: [], error: '' } ```

  • results (Array): Query results returned from ontology database.
  • error (String): Error message, if one occures.



``` /hop/ontology_is_subsuperclass_of ```

Service request arguments

```js { parent_class: '', child_class: '', recursive: false } ```

  • parent_class (String): The parent class name.
  • child_class (String) The child class name.
  • recursive (Boolean): Recursive search.
Service response

application/json response.

```javascript { result: true, error: '' } ```

  • result (Boolena): Success index on ontology-is-subsuperclass-of query.
  • error (String): Error message, if one occures.

### Cognitive Exercises



``` /hop/cognitive_test_chooser ```

Service request arguments

```js { test_type: '', test_subtype: '', test_diff: '', test_index: '' } ```

  • test_type (String): Cognitive Exercise test type. Can be one of
    • 'ArithmeticCts'
    • 'AwarenessCts'
    • 'ReasoningCts'
    • ''
  • test_subtype (String): Use this to force select from this subtype. Defaults to empty string "".
  • test_diff (String): Use this to force select from this difficulty. Defaults to empty string "".
  • test_index (String): Use this to force select from this id. Defaults to empty string "".


```js { test_type: 'Arithmetic', test_subtype: 'BasicArithmetic', test_diff: '1', test_index: '1' } ```

For more information on available exercises have a look here

Service response

application/json response.

```javascript { questions: [], possib_ans: [], correct_ans: [], test_instance: '', test_type: '', test_subtype: '', error: '' } ```

  • questions (Array): The exercise set of questions.
  • possib_ans(Array): The set of answers for each question. vector<vector<string>>
  • correct_ans(Array): The set of correct answers for each question. vector<string>
  • test_instance (String): Returned test name. For example, 'ArithmeticCts_askw0Snwk'
  • test_type (String): Cognitive exercise class/type. Documentation on Cognitive Exercise classes can be found here
  • test_subtype (String): Cognitive exercise sub-type. Documentation on Subtypes can be found here
  • error (String): Error message, if one occures.



``` /hop/cognitive_record_performance ```

Service request arguments

```js { test_instance: '', score: 0 } ```

  • test_instance (String): Cognitive Exercise test instance. The full cognitive test entry name as returned by the cognitive_test_chooser web service.
  • score (Integer): User's performance score on given test entry.
Service response

application/json response.

```javascript { performance_entry: '', error: '' } ```

  • performace_entry (String): User's cognitive test performance entry in ontology.
  • error (String): Error message, if one occures.



``` /hop/cognitive_get_history ```

Service request arguments

```js { from_time: '', to_time: 0, test_type: '' } ```

  • test_type (String): Cognitive Exercise test type. Can be one of ['ArithmeticCts', 'AwarenessCts', 'ReasoningCts'] or leave empty ("") for all.
  • from_time (Integer): Unix timestamp.
  • to_time (Integer): Unix timestamp.
Service response

application/json response.

```javascript { records: {}, error: '' } ```

  • records (Object): Users history records on Cognitive Exerises
  • error (String): Error message, if one occures.



``` /hop/cognitive_get_scores ```

Service request arguments

```js { up_to_time: 0, test_type: '' } ```

  • test_type (String): Cognitive Exercise test type. Can be one of ['ArithmeticCts', 'AwarenessCts', 'ReasoningCts'] or leave empty ("") for all.
  • up_to_time (Integer): Unix timestamp. Return scores that have been recorder up to this time value.
Service response

application/json response.

```javascript { test_classes: [], scores: [], error: '' } ```

  • test_classes (Array): An array of the test classes indexes.
  • scores (Array): Array of scores. Each array index corresponds to the test class of the test_classes property.
  • error (String): Error message, if one occures.

### Email Support



``` /hop/email_fetch ```

Service request arguments

```js { email: '', passwd: '', server: '', port: '', email_status: '', from_date: 0, to_date: 0, num_emails: 0 } ```

  • email (String): The user's email username
  • passwd (String): The user's email password
  • server (String): The email server's imap address, i.e. 'imap.gmail.com'
  • port (String): The email server imap port
  • email_status (String): Define which mails the users requests. Values: ALL, UNSEEN(DEFAULT)
  • from_date (Integer): Emails since date. Unix timestamp.
  • to_date (Integer): Emails until date. Unix timestamp.
  • num_emails (Integer): Number of requested emails
Service response

application/json response.

```javascript { emails: [{<emailEntry_1>}, ..., {<emailEntry_n>}], error: '' } ```

where emailEntry is an object of structure:

```js { sender: '', receivers: [], body: '', date: '', attachments: [] } ```

  • emails (Array): An array of emailEntry objects.
  • error (String): Error message, if one occures.



``` /hop/email_send ```

Service request arguments

```js { email: '', passwd: '', server: '', port: '', recipients: [], body: '', subject: '', file: '' } ```

  • email (String): The user's email username
  • passwd (String): The user's email password
  • server (String): The email server's smtp address, i.e. 'smtp.gmail.com'
  • port (String): The email server imap port
  • recipients (Array): Email addresses of the recipients
  • body (String): The email body
  • subject (String): The email subject
  • file: File attachment. Single file. In case of multiple attachments a zip file must be send to this field name.
Service response

application/json response.

```javascript { error: '' } ```

  • error (String): Error message, if one occures.

### Weather Report



``` /hop/weather_report_current ```

Service request arguments

```js { city: '', weather_reporter: '', metric: 0 } ```

  • city (String): The desirec city
  • weather_reporter (String): The weather API to use. Defaults to "yweather" .
  • metric (Integer): The return value units.
Service response

application/json response.

```javascript { weather_current: { date: '', temperature: '', weather_description: '', humidity: '', visibility: '', pressure: '', wind_speed: '', wind_temperature: '', wind_direction: '' }, error: '' } ```

  • date (String): The date.
  • temperature (String): The current temerature.
  • weather_description (String): A brief desctiption of the current weather
  • humidity (String): The current humidity
  • visibility (String): The current visibility.
  • pressure (String): The current pressure.
  • wind_speed (String): The current speed of the wind.
  • wind_temperature (String): The current temperature of the wind.
  • wind_direction (String): The current direction of the wind.



``` /hop/weather_report_forecast ```

Service request arguments

```js { city: '', weather_reporter: '', metric: 0 } ```

  • city (String): The desirec city
  • weather_reporter (String): The weather API to use. Defaults to "yweather" .
  • metric (Integer): The return value units.
Service response

application/json response.

```javascript { forecast: [{<forecastEntry_1>}, ..., {<forecastEntry_n>}], error: '' } ```

  • forecast (Array): Array of forecastEntry objects.
  • error (String): Error message, if one occures.

where forecast entries are forecastEntry objects:

{ high_temp: '', low_temp: '', description: '', date: '' }

### Path Planning



``` /hop/path_planning_plan_path_2d ```

Service request arguments

```js { map_name: '', robot_type: '', algorithm: '', start: {}, goal: {} } ```

  • map_name (String): The map name to use.
  • robot_type (String): The robot type. It is required to determine it's parameters (footprint etc.)
  • algorithm {String}: The path planning algorithm to apply.
  • start {Object}: Start pose of the robot. (ROS-GeometryMsgs/PoseStamped)
  • goal: Goal pose of the robot. (ROS-GeometryMsgs/PoseStamped)

More information on argument values under the rapp_path_planning package

Service response

```js { plan_found: 0, path: [], error: '' } ```

  • plan_found (String): Plan Status. Can be one of
    • 0 : path cannot be planned.
    • 1 : path found.
    • 2 : wrong map name.
    • 3 : wrong robot type.
    • 4 : wrong algorithm.
  • path: if plan_found is true, this is an array of waypoints from start to goal, where the first one equals start and the last one equals goal.
  • error (String): Error message, if one occures.



``` /hop/path_planning_upload_map ```

Service request arguments

```js { png_file: '', yaml_file: '', map_name: '' } ```

  • png_file: The map image png file.
  • png_file: The map description yaml file.
  • map_name: The map name.
Service response

```js { error: '' } ```

  • error (String): Error message, if one occures.

### Authentication - Registration



``` /hop/login_user ```

Service request arguments

```js { username: '', password: '', device_token } ```

  • username (String): Account username.
  • password (String): Account password.
  • device_token (String): The device (token) from which a user tries to login.
Service response

application/json response.

```javascript { token: '', error: '' } ```

  • token (String): Token used for accessing RAPP-Platform resources.
  • error (String): Error message, if one occures.



``` /hop/register_user_from_platform ```

Service request arguments

```js { creator_username: '', creator_password: '', new_user_username: '', new_user_password: '', language: '' } ```

  • creator_username (String): Creator's (robot-admin) RAPP-Platform account username.
  • creator_password (String): Creator's (robot-admin) RAPP-Platform account password.
  • new_user_username (String): New user's account username.
  • new_user_password (String): New user's account password.
  • language (String): New user's language.
Service response

application/json response.

```javascript { suggested_username: '', error: '' } ```

  • suggested_username (String): Suggested username if the provided one already exists.
  • error (String): Error message, if one occures.



``` /hop/register_user_from_store ```

Service request arguments

```js { username: '', password: '', device_token: '', language: '' } ```

  • username (String): New user's username.
  • password (String): New user's password.
  • device_token (String): Creator device token from RAPP Store.
  • language (String): New user's account language.
Service response

application/json response.

```javascript { suggested_username: '', error: '' } ```

  • suggested_username (String): Suggested username if the provided one already exists.
  • error (String): Error message, if one occures.

### Other



``` /hop/text_to_speech ```

Service request arguments

```js { text: '', language: '' } ```

  • text (String): Input text to translate to audio data.
  • language (String): Language to be used for the TTS module. Valid values are currently el and en
Service response

application/json response.

```javascript { payload: <audio_data>, basename: <audio_file_basename>, encoding: <payload_encoding>, error: <error_message> } ```

  • payload (String/base64): The audio data payload. Payload encoding is defined by the 'encoding' json field. Decode the payload audio data (client-side) using the codec value from the 'encoding' field.
  • encoding (String): Codec used to encode the audio data payload. Currently encoding of binary data is done using base64 codec. Ignore this field. May be used in future implementations.
  • basename (String): A static basename for the audio data file, returned by the platform service. Ignore this field. May be usefull in future implementations.
  • error (String): Error message, if one occures.


``` /hop/available_services ```

Service request arguments


Service response

```js { services: [], error: '' } ```

  • services (Array): An array of available RAPP Platform Services.
  • error (String): Error message, if one occures.



``` /hop/geolocation ```

Service request arguments

```js { ipaddr: '', engine: '' } ```

  • ipaddr: The machine's ipaddr
  • engine: Engine to use. Defaults to 'ip-api' (Currently the only supported).
Service response

application/json response.

```js { city: '', country: '', country_code: '', latitude: 0.0, longtitude: 0.0, region: '', timezone: '', zip: '', error: '' } ```

  • city: (String): The city.
  • country (String): The country.
  • country_code (String): The country code.
  • latitude: (Float): The latitude.
  • longtitude (Float): The longtitude.
  • timezone (String): The timezone.
  • zip (String): The zip postal code.
  • error (String): Error message, if one occures.



``` /hop/news_explore ```

Service request arguments

```js { news_engine: '', keywords: [], exclude_titles: [], region: '', topic: '', num_news: 0 } ```

  • news_engine (String): The news search engine to use.
  • keywords (Array): Desired keywords.
  • exclude_titles (Array): Reject list of previously read articles, in order to avoid duplicates.
  • region (String): Language/Region.
  • topic (String): Main topics, i.e. sports, politics, etc.
  • num_news (Integer): Number of news stories.
Service response

application/json response.

```js { news_stories: [{<story_1>}, ..., {<story_n>}], error: '' } ```

  • news_stories (Array): Array of story objects.
  • error (String): Error message, if one occures.

where story object is:

```js { title: '', content: '', puplisher: '', publishedDate: '', url: '' } ```

  • title (String): Article title.
  • content (String): Article brief content.
  • publisher (String): Article publisher.
  • publishedDate (String): Article publication date.
  • url (String): Article original url.