RAPP Platform Wiki  v0.6.0
RAPP Platform is a collection of ROS nodes and back-end processes that aim to deliver ready-to-use generic services to robots
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Rapp News Explorer allows users to search for news articles employing various news search engine APIs. The user can specify the desired news search engine, topics (i.e. sports, economy, headlines, etc.), desired keywords, language/region (can be specified employing RAPP Geolocator), etc. The node returns a list of related articles. The availability of news_explorer services that rely on third party APIs such as Google News are restricted according to the APIs' rules and limitations. Thus, service call failures may exist.

Currently supported News Engines:

EventRegistry does not require login, however it is subjected to daily access restrictions. If you have an EventRegistry account, you should provide the credentials in the file ${HOME}/.config/rapp_platform/api_keys/event_registry in the format:

``` username password ```

ROS Services

Fetch News

Service URL: /rapp/rapp_news_explorer/fetch_news

Service Type:

NewsExplorerSrv.srv ```


The news search engine

string newsEngine

Desired keywords

string[] keywords

Reject list of previously read articles, in order to avoid duplicates

string[] excludeTitles


string regionEdition

Main topics, i.e. sports, politics etc

string topic

Number of news stories

int8 storyNum


string error # Error description

List of news articles

rapp_platform_ros_communications/NewsStoryMsg[] stories ``` Available newsEngine values:

  • '' (uses default news engine)
  • 'google'
  • 'event_registry'

NewsStoryMsg.msg ```

Article title

string title

Article brief content

string content

Article publisher

string publisher

Article publication date

string publishedDate

Article original url

string url ```


Standard launcher

Launches the rapp_news_explorer node and can be invoked by executing:

roslaunch rapp_news_explorer news_explorer.launch

HOP Services

Service URL: localhost:9001/hop/news_explore


``` Input = { news_engine: '', keywords: [], exclude_titles: [], region: '', topic: '', num_news: 25 } ``` Available news_engine values:

  • '' (uses default news engine)
  • 'google'
  • 'event_registry'

``` Output = { news_stories: [], error: '' } ```