RAPP Platform Wiki  v0.6.0
RAPP Platform is a collection of ROS nodes and back-end processes that aim to deliver ready-to-use generic services to robots
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Rapp_path_planner incon

**List of contents**

  1. Components
  2. Package launch
  3. Prepare new map manually
  4. ROS services
  5. WEB services


1. rapp_path_planning

Rapp_path_planning is used in the RAPP case to plan path from given pose to given goal. User can costomize the path planning module with following parameters:

  • pebuild map - avaliable maps are stored here,
  • planning algorithm - for now, only dijkstra is avaliable,
  • robot type - customizes costmap for planning module. For now only NAO is supported.

2. rapp_map_server

Rapp_map_server delivers prebuild maps to rapp_path_planning component. All avaliable maps are contained here.

This component is based on the ROS package: map_server. The rapp_map_server reads .png and .yaml files and publishes map as OccupacyGrid data. RAPP case needs run-time changing map publication, thus the rapp_map_server extands map_server functionality. The rapp_map_server enables user run-time changes of map. It subscribes to ROS parameter: rospy.set_param(nodeName+"/setMap", map_path) and publishes the map specified in map_path. Examplary map changing request is presented below. ```python nodename = rospy.get_name() map_path = "/home/rapp/rapp_platform/rapp-platform-catkin-ws/src/rapp-platform/rapp_map_server/maps/empty.yaml" rospy.set_param(nodename+/setMap, map_path) A ROS service exists to store new maps in each user's workspace, calledupload_map. Then each application can invoke theplanPath2D``` service, providing the map's name (among others) as input argument.

Package launch

*Standard launch*

Launches the path planning node and can be launched using ```bash roslaunch rapp_path_planning path_planning.launch ```

Prepare new map manually

New map files have to be compatible with the map_server package. Detailed description of files and their parameters can be found here. Exemplary map files can be found here.

  1. Prepare PNG file:
    a) Dimension desired area,
    b) Scale measurements by a desired factor. Chosen factor represents the map resolution!
    c) Draw obstacles and walls with black color carefully. Size of obstacles and walls is very important and every pixel makes difference!
    d) Rest of the map should be left white.
    e) Export your image to the .png file. Name of the file is important, so choose wisely!
  2. Write configuration file:
    a) Create empty file: <map_name>.yaml
    b) Open the file and set following configuration parameters:


Name of .png file.

image: <png_file_name> # example -> image: test_map.png

The map's resolution [meters / pixel]

resolution: <resolution> # example -> resolution: 0.1

The map's origin. 2D pose of the map origin. [x, y, yaw]

origin: <map_origin> # example -> origin: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]

Whether the occupied / unoccupied pixels must be negated

negate: <negate> # example -> negate: 0

Pixels with occupancy probability greater than this threshold are considered completely occupied.


# example -> occupied_thresh: 0.65

Pixels with occupancy probability less than this threshold are considered completely free.


# example -> free_thresh: 0.196 ```

ROS Services

2D path planning

Service URL: /rapp/rapp_path_planning/planPath2D

Service type: ```bash

Contains name to the desired map

string map_name

Contains type of the robot. It is required to determine it's parameters (footprint etc.)

string robot_type

Contains path planning algorithm name

string algorithm

Contains start pose of the robot

geometry_msgs/PoseStamped start

Contains goal pose of the robot

geometry_msgs/PoseStamped goal

status of the service


* 0 : path cannot be planned.

* 1 : path found

* 2 : wrong map name

* 3 : wrong robot type

* 4 : wrong algorithm

uint8 plan_found

error_message : error explanation

string error_message

path : vector of PoseStamped objects

if plan_found is true, this is an array of waypoints from start to goal, where the first one equals start and the last one equals goal

geometry_msgs/PoseStamped[] path ```

map file upload

Service URL: /rapp/rapp_path_planning/upload_map

Service type: ```bash

The end user's username, since the uploaded map is personal

string user_name

The map's name. Must be unique for this user

string map_name

The map's resolution

float32 resolution

ROS-specific: The map's origin

float32[] origin

ROS-specific: Whether the occupied / unoccupied pixels must be negated

int16 negate

Occupied threshold

float32 occupied_thresh

Unoccupied threshold

float32 free_thresh

File size for sanity checks

uint32 file_size

The map data

char[] data

byte status ``` More information on the Occupancy Grid Map representation can be found here

Web services

Path planning 2D



Input / Output

``` Input = { "map_name": “THE_PRESTORED_MAP_NAME”, "robot_type": "Nao", "algorithm": "dijkstra", "start": {x: 0, y: 10}, "goal": {x: 10, y: 0} } Output = { "plan_found": 0, "path": [{x: 0, y: 10}, {x: ... ], "error": "" } ```

Upload map



Input / Output

``` Input = { "png_file": “map.png”, "yaml_file": "map.yaml", "map_name": "simple_map_1" } Output = { "error": "" } ```

The full documentation exists here and here.


Wojciech Dudek