Empowering robotics for social inclusion

RAPP is a European research Project, which provides an open source software platform to support the creation and delivery of robotic applications. The emphasis of this project is on applications that enable robots to understand and respond to the intentions and needs of people at risk of exclusion, and especially the elderly. RAPP focuses on two major groups: a) developers of robotic applications and b) anyone who takes care of people at risk of exclusion, such as healthcare professionals, families and neighbors.

We offer

Everything related to robotic applications in one Platform!


based on adaptation to individuals and taking into account the special needs of elderly people, while respecting their autonomy and privacy.


from which robots can download Robotic Applications (RApps) and upload useful monitoring information.


for developers of robotic applications, so they can easily build and include machine learning and personalization techniques to their applications.

Platform Services

The emphasis of RAPP project is on applications that will enable robots to understand and respond to the intentions and needs of people at risk of exclusion, and especially the elderly. The RAPP Platform provides the following services.

Ontology Integration

The RAPP Knowrob wrapper ROS node is needed to expose specific services to the other ROS nodes and RPSs.

Computer Vision

Face-Detection, Qr-Detection, Hazard-Detection-Door-Check, Hazard-Detection-Light-Check, Human-Detection, Object-Recognition-Caffe.

Speech Recognition

Set-Noise-Profile to apply denoising on speech-recognition,Speech-Detection using the Platform integrated Sphinx4 engine, Speech-Detection using the Platform integrated Google engine.

Cognitive Exercises

Cognitive-Test-Selector returns a Cognitive Exercise literal that describes the test, Cognitive-Record-Performance, Cognitive-Get-History, Cognitive-Get-Scores.

Path Planning

Path-Planning-Upload-Map uploads a map to store on the Platform, Path-Planning-Plan-Path-2D implements a 2D Path Planning service.


Text-To-Speech translation is done on given input plain text, Available-Services, Geolocaiton gets information about client's location, News-Explore.

Pilot Cases

The RAPP project is developing simple, yet realistic Robotic Applications (RApps) and, to ensure that the RAPP platform meets real user needs, it is being tested by healthcare centers and researchers using pilot cases targeting: technology illiterate people, mobility assistance and activity monitoring, people with mild cognitive impairment.

  • 2014-2016

    NAO - an intelligent and caring companion for elderly

    The NAO robot is being tested at ORMYLIA in Greece, who provided the use case requirements and described the pilot scenarios regarding the technology illiterate elders and people with mild cognitive impairment.

  • 2014-2016

    Hip fracture recovery with the ANG robot

    ANG is currently being tested at MATIA’s centre in Spain. Working jointly with INRIA, they specified functionalities and scenarios for the ANG robot, aiming towards elders in need of mobility or rehabilitation assistance.

  • 2016


    TurtleBot is a low-cost, personal robot kit with open-source software. With TurtleBot, you’ll be able to build a robot that can drive around your house, see in 3D, and have enough horsepower to create exciting applications.

  • 2016


    Vision based gesture-driven human robot interface.

  • 2016-today

    Your own robot

    You are able to download applications from RAPP's repository to enhance your robot's functionality and answer the elderly needs.

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