RAPP Platform API
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Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12345]
||oCasio_handlerBase class for asio handling, including helper methods and most protected members
||oCasio_service_httpBase class for asynchronous http websockets used for connecting to cloud services
||oCasio_socketAbstract Base ASIO Socket class Use for passing around to the service controller, various types of cloud handlers. This Interface is needed so that different handlers can be passed to the scheduler transparently
||oCasio_socket_httpsWrapper for SSL/TLS secure HTTP communication
||oCavailable_servicesRequests available services from platform
||oCcognitive_test_selectorChose a congitive game to play
||oCemail_fetchFetch email(s)
||oCemail_sendSend an email
||oCface_detectionAsynchronous Service which will request the cloud to detect faces
||oCfetch_personal_dataGet all personal data for a specific user
||oCgeolocationGeolocation service
||oChazard_detection_door_checkDetect open doors
||oChazard_detection_light_checkDetect light levels
||oChuman_detectionDetect humans in an image
||oCnews_exploreGet news
||oCobject_recognitionRecognize object from an image
||oContology_is_subsuperclass_ofQuery if sub class is a super class of param
||oContology_subclasses_ofGet ontology subclass of a query
||oContology_superclasses_ofGet ontology super-classes of query
||oCqr_detectionAsynchronous Service which will request the cloud to detect QR codes
||oCservice_controllerMain class that controllers RAPP Services
||oCset_denoise_profileSetting the denoising audio profile for speech recognition
||oCspeech_detection_googleDelegate speech-to-text to Google via RAPP
||oCspeech_detection_sphinx4Speech-to-text recognition using CMU sphinx4
||oCtext_to_speechRequest speech audio from text
||oCweather_report_currentGet current weather report
||\Cweather_report_forecastGet weather forecast
||oCaudioClass which wraps around raw bytes of an audiofile
||oCfaceDescribes a face coordinate (cartesian)
||oChumanDescribes human coordinates
||oCmicrophone_wavWAV Single channel 16Khz > Headset audio source
||oCnao_quad_channel_wavWAV Class specialisation for quad channel
||oCnao_single_channel_wavWAV Class specialisation for a single channel
||oCoggOGG Class specialisation
||oCpictureClass which wraps around raw bytes of a picture
|\NtypesCommon global types
| oNDatatypeAssert
| oNNet
| \NRandStrGen
oCplan_path2dPlan a 2D path
\CqrCodeClass which should encapsulate a QR code